Dr. Kathy Allen

My coaching and organizational development work adapts to the unique context of the organization and its people. Every design, every intervention, every interaction is designed for that uniqueness. As a result, the work becomes much more powerful.

Latest Insights

Intangibles as Starting Points

Another starting point in intentionally crafting our worldview is how we think about intangibles and their place in our lives. In my work with organizational...

The Part and the Whole

As I've noted in earlier blogs, deep, often unconscious, assumptions impact how we see the world. This week, I've decided to tackle the primacy of...

Service and Power

This year, I've been inspired to write about several different starting places we can use to help create our worldview. For example: Do we see...

About Kathy

Thought leader, author and trusted advisor and coach. Dr. Kathleen Allen helps organizations and individuals create meaningful change using Nature as a model for more effective leadership practices. In recent years her time has been spent writing, presenting and consulting on ways to incorporate the concepts of living systems and Nature’s adaptive cycle to leadership, human, and organizational development. Dr. Allen’s clients include internationally renowned thought leaders, nonprofits, growing businesses, and collaborative networks.


Leading from the Roots uses nature as a source of inspiration to help us see a new way of leading and designing organizations. It applies the generous framework found in mature ecologies to human organizations. It helps us shift our assumptions, practices, structures, and processes to become more resilient and nourishing for all.

Leading from the Roots

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